Weekly Photography Prompt: Her Story
For week of 2024-03-09 to 2024-03-15

Create and share one or more photos inspired by this week's prompt, "Her Story" on your Aminus3 website, Substack Notes, or linked in the comments on this post.
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Be Inspired and Learn Something New
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Aminus3 photography community.
It began with two friends sharing photos from across the ocean, and blossomed into a diverse global photography collective with thousands of photographers from more than 100 countries. Over those two decades, Aminus3 has been a champion of exchanging unique cultural experiences.
Photography is a fundamental medium for fostering empathy and understanding, transcending gender, race, religion, politics, and borders, and uniting humanity together through shared experience.
The qualities of inclusion, empathy, compassion, and collaboration are critical on this planet at this time. These also happen to be some of the core qualities embodied in the archetype of the divine feminine.
This week, and throughout the month of March, as we honor women everywhere, we invite you to take the opportunity to tell “her story.”
This is the time to give a voice to women and their unique experiences from around the world through photography.
Last Week’s Prompt Photos for “Vermillion”
Another excellent round of images shared for the previous prompt of “Vermillion.”
These were a selection of some of our favorite photos, but as always, you can check out the full gallery of images shared on Aminus3 over the last week.

See all the photos shared for last week’s Vermillion prompt.
Photo credits for the cover image collage from top left to bottom right:
Hercules, innereyephotography | Sherene, Thomas Jeppesen, Luis Rodrigues, Ayd آی دا, Ralph Jones 1, Steed, Ralph Jones 2, Behrooz Sangani, Helen, Francisco Romero, overlay Urszula and Christophe Esnard, Carina M.I. Soriano, Arco-Iris, Calisto