Create and share photos inspired by this week's prompt, "Lifetime" on your Aminus3 website, Substack Notes, or linked in the comments on this post.
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May 18 Photo Walk Antwerp
There are still places left for the Antwerp Photo Walk on May 18, co-sponsored by myself and
. Please sign up on the registration page.Be Inspired and Learn Something New
Throughout history, the art of the portrait has been a way of immortalizing a person for the ages. Once reserved for royalty and noblemen, the portrait soon became available to the masses.
The challenge then and now is how can you convey the culmination of a lifetime in a single frame?
Those early painters sought to portray the true essence of their subjects by carefully selecting the setting and surrounding elements which best represented that person.
With photography, the idea of a portrait is a lot more fluid.
Rather than staging elaborate portraits like the paintings of old, we document daily life experiences in the moment.
The camera roll on our phone becomes a time lapse that spans years of our lives, allowing us to see our lifetime unfold frame by frame.
This week we are going to sift through those moments in time to convey the essence of a someone (or something) in a single frame.
Old, young, or in between, the idea is to consider your subject’s lifetime in one visually defining moment, and create that as a photo.
You could photograph them doing something they enjoy, or simply document an everyday activity that you think is representative of your subject.
Give that some thought as you go out to photograph lifetimes in a frame.
Last Week’s Prompt Photos for “Strange Angles”
We had some good discussion around last week’s “Strange Angles” prompt. Some people proclaimed a distinct dislike for the so called “Dutch Angle”, while others embraced odd angles into unique compositions.
Below were a few of our favorites. You can also see all the photos posted for last week’s Strange Angles prompt shared on Aminus3.

The excellent photo above is a great preview of architecture in Antwerp, Belgium which you can see for yourself if you join us for the May 18 photo walk.
Here are a few more strange angles to close out last week’s prompt.

I love the pictures. The different techniques used. How the subject stands still but the zipping flashes of vibrant light whizzes past is caught by the lens. It's fascinating looking through the eye of a view finder and seeing the world differently than by the naked eye. By the eye of the photographer.